Phase II Paste A Syringe (6gm)

Item #: C10-205


18g Paste A in Screw Syringes


CONTAINS FLUORIDE: Phase II® paste and sealant are formulated with a monomer that contains fluoride and will not reduce bond strength. Non-fluoride formula available in jars.

UNSURPASSED BOND STRENGTH: The highly filled paste provides a strong mechanical bond with all types of metal and ceramic bracket bases. All plastic and fiber filled brackets will bond chemically to Phase II® when conditioned with Reliance Plastic Conditioner.

EASE OF REMOVAL: Phase II® has a small particle size glass filler which constitutes a high percentage of the material. The paste forms a solid matrix that bonds stronger to itself than it does to the sealant. As a result, the majority of the paste is removed with the bracket and what remains is easier to remove than conventional composites.

SMOOTH, TACKY CONSISTENCY: The pastes mix to a viscosity that is easy to apply to the bracket base and will hold the bracket in position after alignment, without slump. The paste viscosity can be thinned for bonding lingual retainers by adding Bonding Resin to the mixed paste.

NO REFRIGERATION REQUIRED: Phase II®, like all Reliance adhesives, has a unique catalyst system that does not require refrigeration. An active archwire can be placed 5 minutes after last bracket is in place.

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