Latex Elastics 3/16 (4.8mm) Heavy Force 4.5oz (50 Bags)

Item #: C10-810

  • Manufactured from surgical grade latex
  • Non-Latex available in our Force Value Blue “Heavy”, sizes 1/4", 3/16", & 5/16"
  • Thickness and diameters guaranteed accurate
  • Precision manufacturing techniques and in-process testing assure force accuracy
  • Force values determined at 3 times ex-tension from passive diameter
  • Patient pack ID marks are familiar and concise

-Letters designate size  
-Colors designate force

  • Light retardant packaging to eliminate UV degradation
  • Resealable and tamper-proof patient packs
  • 3-year shelf life
  • 50 packs of 100 Elastics per pouch
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